Edward Needham specializes in Almonds, Pistachios, Walnuts, and Grapes.
He services all of Central California.
Edward has over 35 years’ experience farming in the Central Valley. He graduated from California State University, Fresno with a B.S. in Plant Science and Agricultural Mechanics in 1984.
Edward is a licensed PCA, QAL, and CCA. He is long time member of CAPCA. He is a past board member of Kern County Farm Bureau, past President of Tulare County Farm Bureau and past board member for the California Farm Bureau Federation. Ed currently serves as a board member for the CDFA Fertilizer Inspection Advisory Board.
In addition to his work with Duarte Nursery as a field representative, he owns Needham Ag Services which provides products and services for farming operations.
Edward enjoys the challenges of farming and is available to help you address your specific development and cultural needs.
Email: ed@duartenursery.com
Phone: (559) 977-7282