After more than 20 years heading the Quality Assurance team at Duarte Nursery, Tia now serves as a Field Rep. Focusing on field visits and grower groups in Northern California and into Southern Oregon. Tia represents our nurseries products of grapevines, almond, pistachio and walnuts trees.
Tia received her BS in Fruit Science from Cal Poly, SLO in 1996, and joined Duarte upon graduating. In addition to serving as the Sales Manager for a time, Tia’s work leading the Quality Assurance Program involved developing testing protocols, procuring clean plant materials for grafting, and working with the grafting and ranch crews. She also made many customer field visits and helped with clonal selections, which are some of the strengths Tia brings with her to the sales team.
Tia has served as president of California Citrus Nursery Society, is a board member of Improvement Advisory Board of nursery stock, and participated in updating the Certification and Regulations of all California Grapevine, Fruit and Nut, and Citrus programs with the CDFA. She continues to collaborate with Lodi Grapevine Virus Research Focus Group.
Phone: (209) 815-2399